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triodos s.a.

TRIODOS S.A. is  taking advantage of the considerable expertise and experience of the founders and its partners but and its  excellent organization for planning, design , management and construction of the projects that undertakes , is going  forward to the realization of its vision for extending and strengthening action in the name and position in the market.

Our goal is TRIODOS S.A.  to continue its development with greater penetration in Greece and abroad market. With the implementation of these objectives, the Company seeks to strengthen and expand its competitive position. Based on  its productivity and reliability of each area of action, TRIODOS S.A. is  moving forward looking to the future with great optimism.


TRIODOS S.A. recently ,as the owner of the Helios Tree, an innovating mounting system for photovoltaic power stations ,is going to supply and install the Helios Tree initially to  the Greek market and after in the abroad market.


The triodos s.a. collaborates internationally with the BULGATES SA , provider of Consulting & Services engaged in construction projects for Real Estate




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3, Efedron Aksomatikon Str, Pallini, Attica
Greece Τ.Κ GR 15 351
Tel./Fax: +30 210 6658792

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